
Blog posts

Should your company write blog posts? The answer is a resounding yes! Corporate blogging creates dialogue between you and your customers. And if you do it properly, your blog can become the most important component in your marketing.

Blogging has many advantages. Not only does corporate blogging boost your search engine position and increase traffic to your website, but it is also an excellent channel to promote your expertise, thereby creating a stronger bond between you and the customer.

A blog is one of the most effective and informal ways to share a company’s news. It allows you to talk about new products and news from within the company. It is probably no surprise that corporate blogging and content marketing often go hand in hand.

Four golden rules for corporate blogging

  1. Make it easy for your audience to find each individual blog post. Give the post a headline that contains the words that people are actually searching for. If you’re selling men’s socks, find out what search terms your target audience enter when they look for them online. If it turns out to be “men’s socks online”, then that should be the headline.
  2. Make your content relevant for the reader. If you want to sell men’s socks, your target audience is in all likelihood mostly men.
  3. Use search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques on your text to boost your post in Google results. If you use WordPress, we recommend using the Yoast plugin for this purpose, but there are a range of SEO tools available, both to optimise the page itself and for backlinks.
  4. Even though you undoubtedly have inexhaustible amounts of expertise in your field, that doesn’t mean that it is simple to write an outstanding blog post, in both content and language. It must carry the reader through, right to the last full stop in the last sentence.

What Samtext can do for you

Are you unsure about the tone you should use in your blog post to really connect with your readers? Or how you can use corporate blogging to strengthen your company’s existing profile?

Our copywriters have both sharp heads and sharp pens – or perhaps “sharp keyboards” would be more appropriate in our case.

Ring +47 22 80 52 15 and chat with our Creative Director, Line.

“An engaging blog post is shared and generates interest.”
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0166 Oslo, Norway
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